
Stay humble, stay open-minded

There have been a lot of events happening during the first half of 2020.  2020 is not an easy year for many people.  Since coronavirus broke out in China last year, there have been more than 8 million people worldwide got infected.  US leads the ranking list by having 2.26 million infected and 120k people dead.  Tens of millions of people got laid of during the pandemic, especially in those travel/hotel/share-riding industries.   The videos of three officers kneeling on Floyd leaked out.  Floyd's death caused great sorrow and sympathy from communities all over the country; people gather in mass and parade, protesting while marching towards the city halls, causing more people get infected by Cov-19 maybe.  Indians and Chinese solders scrimmaged at the border, both thinking other side crossing the boundary.  People from both sides believe in the 'truth' described by their media's propaganda.  The hatred towards China planted inside Indians, just like the hatred towards Japanese are planted in Chinese and Koreans.

First Amendment ensures people the freedom of speech, however there are exceptions (e.g. speech that incites imminent lawless action) that are not protected by the First Amendment, which few people cares about.  Social science is not a stale subject, it should evolve with the gradual change of community and society.  Laws, policies and the understanding of regulations also need amelioration with technology advancement. 

You may have the right to drive, but you may not care about the migration route used by other species that will be cut by the highway.

You may have the right to use plastic wrappers and bags, but you could mostly underestimate the influence of  undissolvable materials excreted into ocean, influencing tens of thousands of other species.  Democracy gives people the right to vote for the state governors to represent them, but who will represent other species, and who will represent the animals you eat.

You may have the right to speak whatever you want on Twitter, but you may not know the hatred you could implant into those ineducated people,  by using those one sentence expressions without any context and reasoning.

No, human, admit it, you don't have any freedom for free.  The air you exhale out could take your lethal cov-19 virus which could damage other people.  You don't have freedom to not to wear a mask.  

As the social progression continues, we need to understand the freedom boundary each people could have and try not to breach others' freedom.   It has nothing to do with the type of political system you have.  There is always one logic and optimized way to resolve things.  Let the people with expert background finish the job that requires expertise, including ruling a country and making policies.

Stay humble, be dialectic, be open-minded.

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